Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hungry yet? I've had my fill... for now.

Oh, what’s there to say about Hunger Games that hasn’t been said yet? Yes, it’s entertaining. Yes, it’s well received by many different types of people. I read the first book and it consumed me. This class unfortunately halted my progress on my own personal to-read list, so I’m still only about 100 pages into the second book, but I’ve lost my groove! I don’t know if I’ll find it again by these books. I was initially hesitant to start such a popular book having poor experiences with the recent novels that go the distance (i.e. Nicholas Sparks). And now, I don’t know, maybe my will died out with the masses will to read this book… but I haven’t finished yet! I have still one question: How does a teacher encourage outside reading, but also somehow include popular novels (in hopes more students are pulled into the reading for class)? I mean, how do you plan to start a novel before it becomes so well known and well read that the students are reluctant because they’ve already read it? Does anyone think that would be a problem? How do you catch it before it’s all the rage or include it once it’s already the rage? Any thoughts?

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